RADCam™ Beta Test Program Application


Thank you for your interest in the
RADCam Beta Test Program

The application process is now closed.

As outlined in the program, we will be distributing 100 RADCam units in the US and an additional 10 units in Canada. We expect to have all beta test units ready for delivery by the end of July. If selected, you will receive your RADCam unit free of charge, including pre-paid shipping, along with a 12-month pre-paid subscription to the RADCam service. Plus, you’ll get some cool RADCam merchandise!

The selection process will be based on your original application responses and a brief survey to be sent to all applicants.

We will notify all applicants of their selection status in early July.

Thank you once again for your interest in RADCam. We’re excited to potentially have you on board as we launch this innovative technology!